
live events

setting the stage for healing & learning.

Past Events

Behind the Beat: The First Responder’s Response to Real Crime & Trauma
Join us for ‘Behind the Beat’ live in Sacramento, CA on June 21 & 22, 2024

Watch, listen, and participate in two ground breaking live events with Paul Holes & Jeff Stine. First a Meet-the-Author event with Paul Holes discussing his experience in solving some of America’s most chilling true crime cold cases, like the Golden State Killer, and bringing to light the trauma and stress that first responders face in the line of duty. Then, for the first time, retired officers, Paul Holes & Jeff Stine (CoverNow Fund), will be sharing their personal stories and shedding light on topics ranging from trauma to suicide prevention amongst first responders.

Wholehearted will be producing a series of Public Service Announcement programs to raise awareness and shed light on this crucial epidemic. Let’s help support the people who take care of us.

Live In-Person Workshops (Sacramento, CA)

June 21, 2024: 5:30pm

Unmasked with Paul Holes:
June 21 | Sacramento, CA

Paul Holes will be discussing his experience in solving some of America’s most chilling True Crime cold cases, like the Golden State Killer, and bringing to light the trauma and stress that first responders face in the line of duty. Attend the presentation, join the conversation, and receive a signed copy of Paul’s new book. Stay for the meet and greet following Paul’s presentation.

June 22, 2024: 11:00 am

Heroes with Hearts:
Paul Holes & Jeff Stine: June 22 | Sacramento, CA

Join Paul Holes & Jeff Stine, from the CoverNow Fund, an emergency fund for law enforcement families that experience the tradedgy of suicide.  For the first time, these retired officers, will be sharing their personal stories and shedding light on topics ranging from trauma to suicide prevention amongst first responders. We are inviting first responders, their families, and the helping professionals that work with this special group to join us and participate in this conversation.

Building Resilience through healing & education. Learn to create a stronger, safer, & more resilient foundation for children, families, & your own healing. We welcome parents, teachers, counselors, & anyone that works with or supports children of all ages.

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In-Person Workshops (Sacramento, CA): Attend for FREE. Wholehearted has covered all the cost for our community!

July 10, 2023: 1:30pm - 6pm
July 12, 2023: 1pm - 7pm
July 7, 2023: 10am - 4pm
July 7, 2023: 7pm - 9pm
July 8 & 9, 2023: 10am - 5pm

Reparenting 2022
November 19-20, 2022

Reparenting 2022: focused on Reparenting Our Inner Child: Adverse Childhood Experiences, Protective and Compensatory Childhood Experiences, Social Trauma, Generational Trauma, Resilience, & more.

A Workshop for the general public & CE workshop / training for mental health & healthcare professionals.

In-Person Workshops (Sacramento, CA): Attend for FREE. Wholehearted covered all the cost for our community!

Recovery 2022
August 19-28, 2022

We completed a 10 day event: RECOVERY 2022!

This event focused on addiction & recovery. Moving beyond treatment to embrace healing.

13 speakers | 27 classes

Mark Lundholm, Dr. Mark Pirtle, Dr. Adriana Popescu, Bob Tyler, Dr. BJ Davis, TJ Woodward, Aven Armstrong-Sutton, Dr. Ronald Mah, Roland Williams, Mark Stodola, Dr. Joe Sepulveda, James Rogers, & Barbara Aday-Garcia

• Impact of Drugs on our Highways

• Understanding the Fentanyl Epidemic

Using Motivational Interviewing Skills to Enhance Mandated Client Engagement

• Shortcuts to Group Facilitation

• Shortcuts: Better Ways to Better Days Show

• Shortcuts: A Conversation with author Mark Lundholm & AJ Foxx (Wholehearted Co-Founder)

• Deconstructing Trauma

• Energy Psychology Applied to Addiction Treatment & Co-occuring Disorders

• Tapping into your Recovery

• Ethics for SUD Counselors

• A Masterclass in Addictive Behavior: The Davis Model

• Conscious Recovery for Professionals

• Conscious Recovery for People in Recovery

• Talks by TJ Woodward (2)

• Talks by Jeremy Miller (1)

• Conversation with TJ Woodward & Jeremy Miller

• An Evening with author, TJ Woodward

• Transforming Emotion with Emotion

• Empty Chair Work

• How, Why, & WTF… To Do! Series (4 Talks)

• A Masterclass in Relapse Prevention

• Recovery is a Verb

• Understanding & Supporting Families

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