
Wholehearted.org and our generous content contributors want to expand access to our programs. If you can afford to purchase, we ask that you do so. Your funds allow us to continue to produce and distribute programs. If you cannot afford our programming we may be able to offer financial assistance.  If you do not have an account, please create a free account before you apply, by clicking here. Requests from current account holders are processed faster. Wholehearted prioritizes members that view and leave reviews of our free videos. You can view our free library by clicking here.

Any Program with Mark Lundholm

Many know Mark Lundholm as the “Recovery Comedian”. His programs and shows have been seen by millions of people. Less known are Mark’s recovery programs focused on “shortcuts”, simple behavioral techniques, to help people change their day to day behavior. Mark Lundholm has always been our most generous Thought Leader, and is fiercely committed to helping those affected by addiction.

Scholarship Code: mark1121

Healing Trauma & Addiction | Dr. Gabor Maté

A step-by-step, on-demand video program. You’ll learn the details of Gabor’s unique and effective approach to understanding and healing trauma and addiction. Gabor teaches us how to effectively communicate and reach our family members and other individuals affected by addiction.

Financial Aid:
50% Discount: HTA-50

Scholarship Codes:
For Students: HTAS-100
First Nations & Native American Communities: compassion1121

A Masterclass for Healers | Dr. Gabor Maté

A complete 12+ hour video training by Dr. Gabor Maté offering you a unique opportunity to deepen your skills in attuning and reaching others, even the most difficult clients. This Masterclass was developed for professionals and individuals who want to become more familiar with Gabor’s approach and techniques.

Scholarship Code: MCFH-100
First Nations & Native American Communities: compassion1121

Conscious Recovery for Individuals

Conscious Recovery For Individuals is an Experience to offer a spiritual perspective that can assist you in addressing the underlying root causes of your addictive behaviors. It is intended to enhance any program, therapy, or other support system in which you are currently engaged. Its aim is not to provide definitive answers, but to introduce questions that can assist you in accessing your own inner wisdom and rediscover your true nature.

50% Discount Code: CR-50

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